Monday 13 April 2015

The Democrats: Party of war and mass murder.

So there's been quite a bit of buzz recently around Hillary Clinton announcing that she has begun her 2016 presidential campaign. Coming out on top of the Democratic parties nomination for presidential candidate with 65 percent of the poll, beating Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by 10 percent.

It's pretty well established that democratic identification of minority ethnic and religious groups in the US sores in comparison to their Republican counterparts, with 64% of black americans voting Democrat while only 4% vote Republican. Does this make the democrats the party to represent religious minorities and people of colour? Fuck no.

It may be that Liberals and the so called 'left-wing' have been driven to Hillary in much the same way that many were driven to Obama; they represent something other than the typical old-white-male politician and people believe that a vote for them is some form of slight to the establishment. Problem is, social liberation and feminism are not interest groups to insert as many wealthy black/Muslim/latino/hispanic/female/trans/etc members into the ruling class as possible, the point is to dismantle the material conditions which are to blame for the oppression of minority groups and women in the first place. Supporting people who voted for the Iraq war will not bring any kind of liberation for the oppressed. If your feminism only advocates "strong woman" to be those who hold enough money and power to oppress and rule over the masses in the same way men historically have, then it is no feminism at all.

The Democrats have waged economic warfare against poor people and areas largely populated with black and latino people by supporting cuts on welfare and public services, proselytising for Neo-Liberalism, and supporting Americas imperialistic ventures around the World. Clinton said recently that she supports the deportation of the children of unregistered workers - completely ignoring her own governments involvement in destabilising the Latin-American continent, which has resulted in millions of people desperately trying to escape into the United States. Reminding us all of the price nations who resist U.S dominance pay; Cuban President Raul Castro highlighted some of the crimes committed in Latin-America by previous administrations. The role in which the United States government and corporations have played in dismantling the economies in Mexico, Guatemala, and other Latin-American countries through the funding of drug cartelsmilitary juntas, and private death squads still continues today.

On their own, in the past 8 years, the Obama administration and the Democrats haven't even attempted to hide their lust for war-mongering. Running on promises to immediately end the illegal occupation of Iraq and close Guantanamo bay, many Leftists including the late Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez hailed the coming of Obama as a sign of peace and an end to the violent stupidity of the Bush era. Instead, Obama lead the United States into another profit-war in Libya which fragmented the country and brought about a power vacuum in which violent Islamic extremists who lynch black people have been given free reign, he backed the FSA extremists in Syria who eat peoples hearts and lungs, film it and then behead Priests who are members some of the most ancient Christian communities in the World. He promised apartheid Israel $30 billion over the next decade, supported the fascist-lead Maidan "Revolution" in Ukraine, and has supported various attempts at a military coup in Venezuela. That was the price the global population had to pay for Americas vote for Obama - the "cool" President.

Western liberal blood-thirst isn't exactly a new emergence either. The list of Democratic blunders and crimes span well before the noughties and the Cold War. President Wilson was the one responsible for American involvment in World War 1, in which 116000 American troops were killed, Truman dropped the A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing between 60-80 thousand people, JFK attacked Cuba and caused the Cuban Missile Crisis, Johnson brought liberty to Vietnam in the form of napalm and missile strikes, and Jimmy Carter backed the Indonesian and Iranian military dictatorships. Now suddenly we're expected to see the Clintons and Obama as champions of youth and liberty? When they've had as much of, if not more of a part in not only the previously mentioned international crimes, but also domestic crimes? Like spying on the U.S and foreign public via the NSA and re-signing of the Patriot Act, which gives the state the ability to hold people indefinitely in prison without trial all under the name of "anti-terrorism". But it's all forgiven because Obama will make jokes about the Lion King. He's down with the kids, yo.

There is no "progressive" section of the ruling class. There is no "lesser of the 2/3/4/5/10 evils". The only division between the Democrats and the Republicans lies on which specific interests within the ruling class they support and on how they best may expand said system. Don't believe me? Just look at who's paying for Hillary Clintons Presidential campaign next year. Voting for the 'slightly-less-bad' political representatives of the Bourgeois only gives credence and legitimisation to their system, and to the false belief that capitalism can simply be reformed.

1 comment:

  1. Democrats tell Obama to have talks with Russia on Syria. Read interesting news on truth out
